#303 – 9 ChatGPT Prompts To Skyrocket Your SEO

🗒️ Overview

  • Learn how to utilize AI to create content
  • Learn the best prompts for decent outputs
  • Involve AI in your content production the right way!

In this episode, Mark and Gael go through 9 commands you can use to utilize ChatGPT in your content plan effectively.

I’m sure by now you know exactly how all this works, and what ChatGPT is capable of, but first, a word of advice:

AI isn’t in a place where it can just spit out an optimal result. The more information you feed it and the specific way you ask it to do things for you can drastically improve its output.

These prompts aren’t designed to replace any of these tasks. Instead, they are designed to enhance and speed up existing tasks.

So without further ado, let’s check them out.

1. Brainstorming long-tail content ideas

"I run a website about X. What are some subniches I should be tackling with my content. Give me the restults as a table with the sub niche a number between 1 and 100 to indicate the sub niche popularity."

Looking to expand your base hubs, but don’t know where to start? While the data ChatGPT provides is nowhere near as nuanced as a traditional keyword research tool, it can most certainly provide you with a feeling based on its vast amounts of crawled data.

Let’s look at an example of how this would look in real life:

From there, you can even ask it to expand the list to get even more results.

But wait. There’s more!

Sure, you have some great hub ideas, but what if ChatGPT could even recommend articles to write AND which keywords they would target?

You got it!

"take the sub-niche "types of paintball games" and brainstorm a list of articles based on popular search terms and long tail variations that are likely to be easy to rank on Google. Present the results in a table with proposed article title, another for target keyword and a 3rd for popularity level of the keyword between 1 and 100"

And, of course, you can once again ask it to expand this list.

Although you don’t want to go in blindly trusting every suggestion. It’s a good idea to quickly scope out some of these keywords further using your own dedicated tool.

So there you have it. The next time you get blocked during keyword research, this is just a snippet of how AI could help!

2. Brainstorming Technical Terms

Let’s say you’re not exactly a Pro in your chosen niche.

Sometimes that means staring at your Keyword Research tool, hoping inspiration will strike.

But what if AI could help by providing you with a list of keywords that could be turned into potential keywords? Keywords that you probably never even thought to explore before…

"Give me technical terms related to horse riding"

Take this newfound pool of keywords and begin branching off potential ideas using your usual Keyword Research Method

3. Summarising Content

So let’s say you want to pad your research and go the extra mile.

That often means scouring through thousands of words of research papers and data-backed studied.

But let’s face it, no one has time for that.

So here’s what you can do instead. Copy that huge article and paste it into ChatGPT.

From there, you can ask it questions about the study and find answers fast.

"According to this study, is taurine good or bad?"

Now, I’ve deliberately cut out the text I fed to ChatGPT here because otherwise, it would take up the whole screen. But rest assured the answers it provides come from thousands of words of content in the study I input.

And you can see here that you can ask it all sorts of questions using this information.

4. Guest Post Pitches

There’s a good chance that this idea has probably already come to you before if you’re actively involved in Guest Posting.

But here’s the thing.

ChatGPT is capable of way more than pitching a few generic Guest Post ideas (and I’m sure you didn’t come here to see generic, obvious inputs like that!)

To start, you can enter the site you want the guest post to be for. For example, “Give me Guest Post suggestions for Kevin from Epic Gardening.”

Feed it various facts and knowledge you know already. Cross niche by asking it to relate it to your niche. You get the picture.

"Give me guest post suggestions for my friend Kevin at Epic Gardening. Make the pitches relevant to gardening and not about online marketing"

You can then begin to add a more personal touch to the outreach message itself.

Remember, AI doesn’t excel when you leave it to its own devices. It excels when you feed it specific commands. The more information you can tell it about your prospect, the better the outcome will be. Combine this with traditional prospect research for the optimal outcome!

5. Missing Entities

First, if you aren’t familiar with knowledge graph entities, they’re essentially a network of topics that Google uses to associate content.

In a nutshell, we want to check out content to see whether it includes all the main topic associations compared to other articles.

So to get started, paste your article in, and ask ChatGPT to make a list of knowledge graph entities in this article. It’ll tell you which topic associations you currently do have in your article.

"Make a list of knowledge graph entities in this article"

Now paste in your competitor’s article and ask it to do the same.

Then last but not least, ask ChatGPT which ones are missing from your article.

And there you have it. A list of entities missing from your article that your competitors cover!

6. Briefing Content

Next up, let’s talk about content creation.

Okay. So we know AI can’t quite create high-quality articles from scratch yet.

But it can help outline them.

"what are some questions a first-time barrel racer might have"

That’s a pretty strong start.

But let’s bring a little SEO into play. And remember, the more specific and refined your question is, the better the results. So I’m going to dig deep here and ask it something like.

"Which entities and sub-topics should I mention in a beginner's guide to barrel racing."

But we also want this information displayed in an easier-to-understand format. Let’s also ask for a quick description of each topic and its popularity.

Still feeling like AI must be able to provide more assistance with content creation?

Say no more.

Let’s get a full outline written with H2s and H3’s.

Remember, the more specific your input is, the better results. So I’m asking it only to include information it thinks experienced barrel riders would like.

"Now write a very detailed outline with H2, 3 and 4 markup and bullet points explaining the precise points for "beginners guide to barrel riding". Make sure to include specific information only a season racer would know and include all the entities from above"

And there you have it. A detailed outline ready to be written!

7. Rewrite Poor Content

Let’s say you have some poor content on the site. Maybe you cheaped out on your writer, or perhaps you even wrote some content with pure AI.

Well, there’s a way to redeem that content.

But there’s an important human element at play here. You’ll need good, human-written content to feed chatGTP to train and model it.

You can then tell it to rewrite your content in the style of a good content writer.

"Rewrite this passage to match the style of the other one"

Simply enter your content and the model content and ask it to rewrite.

8. Write drafts

Okay, so we can’t just tell it to write a draft and hope for the best. I’ve made that clear by now…right?

But that doesn’t mean it can’t write copy for you.

It just requires a bit more work.

"write a section on "picking the right wordpress theme" that reads and feels similar to the sample passage and use the facts provided to make arguments. Make sure to break up long sections with bullet points, short sentences and pattern breakers"

We just have to get specific.

But how specific? Well, first of all, we know ChatGPT is terrible at fabricating research and facts. So instead, we’re going to feed it those facts after manually researching them.

Then we’re going to give it an example to copy.

We can also iterate on it. And break it down into small segments.

Just remember to vet and edit the output properly!

9. Short Copy

And it works even better for short-length copy, such as Meta descriptions or social shares.

Just feed it the entire article and ask it to produce the copy for you

"Write a meta description of 155 characters for this article. Make the user want to click on the article and tease them. Spaces count as characters"

Just don’t forget to iterate!

Wrapping it up

So, there you have it. 9 game-changing prompts that have the potential to evolve your workflow completely.

Just remember:

  1. Be iterative – Don’t just accept the first output. Ask ChatGPT what you want it to change, and it will do it.
  2. Be descriptive – Feed it variables. It will work with your input to create more unique outputs.
  3. Be patient – AI can’t write full copy (yet!). Don’t just feed it single-line prompts and hope for the best.
  4. Scrutinize – It’s notoriously bad at producing facts and figures. Always double-check anything it provides.
  5. Don’t panic – AI is not about to take over your job as a site builder. Don’t panic, and certainly don’t give up on your site!


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