Affiliate Marketing

10 Best Gardening Affiliate Programs of 2024 (Top Offers)

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Yes, we know gardening isn’t exactly front of mind for most affiliate marketers.

Most affiliate marketing “gurus” will tell you to avoid the gardening niche, full stop.

This is despite the fact that the global gardening market is currently worth in excess of US$71.5 billion.

That number is trending upwards, thanks in no small part to the GIY (Grow It Yourself) movement.

We also happen to know a number of affiliates who make serious money in the plant/gardening niche.

Like 7-figures-per-year kind of money.

Even “average” affiliates in the space are making bank. According to our affiliate marketing statistics, the average marketer in the home & garden niche earns $5,095 per month.

Despite what some experts (lol) are saying – affiliate marketing is still very much alive:

affiliate commissions
affiliate commissions

So let’s take a look at what kind of gardening affiliate programs there are for you to promote.

There’s a lot more to this vertical than you might have guessed.

Gardening Affiliate Programs

  1. AeroGarden
  2. Succulents Box
  3. Forestry Suppliers
  4. Seeds Now
  5. Garden Tower
  6. Click & Grow
  7. Botanical Interests
  8. Hoss Tools
  9. Power Planter Australia
  10. Urban Leaf
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1 AeroGarden


Not everyone has a garden they can convert into an urban “farm”, as much as they’d love to.

But a hydroponic kit from AeroGarden helps you get around that problem with some indoor gardening technology.

These systems allow you to grow pretty much whatever types of vegetables you want using nothing more than water, light and a nutrient solution.

And each “pod” is even designed to blend in with modern homes.

It all sounds very space-age, doesn’t it?

But the thing is this type of gardening technology works and has been used for decades.

If nothing else an AeroGarden would be a fun experiment to show your kids that food doesn’t just appear on supermarket shelves.

And they even have a gardening blog to help you along on your journey to self-sufficiency.

Hydroponic gardening isn’t cheap, which is probably why the EPC for this program is so high.

As an affiliate you’ll get paid 7.5% commission on all sales you generate.

And with their top-tier products costing almost $800 you should earn around $60 per transaction.

2 Succulents Box

Succulents Box Homepage Screenshot

If Succulents Box proves nothing else it’s that there really is a subscription box for everyone.

The more common name for succulents is cacti – those tiny prickly plants you see growing in arid regions.

So your visitors can buy everything they need to grow succulents in their home directly from the store, or have a box of goodies delivered to their home each month.

And the neat thing about gardening with succulents is that they need very little maintenance.

They’re exact opposite of say a bonsai tree, but not nearly as popular.

But you can change that by promoting this program.

As a gardening affiliate marketer promoting this program you’ll receive 10% commission on every referred sale.

The EPC for this program isn’t huge, but then most of their products only cost a few dollars each.

But they are making a significant number of payments to affiliates, so that’s a positive sign.

It’s also one of the most unique affiliate programs in this roundup of gardening affiliate programs.

3 Forestry Suppliers

Forestry Suppliers Homepage Screenshot

Not all gardens are created equal.

Some of them are simply bigger than others.

And in those situations your regular gardening tools and equipment simply won’t do.

So you’d need to look to a business like Forestry Suppliers instead.

They sell everything from ground protection mats to bulk herbicide and all the usual gardening tools and accessories you’d need. 

This is obviously a very niche program within the gardening niche itself, but there’s a lot of potential here if you promote the right products to the right audience i.e. people with large gardens.

What surprised me about this program was the EPC – it’s higher than I thought it would be.

And it also means that although the target audience for these products is quite small, affiliates in the gardening niche have definitely tapped into it.

3% commission and roughly $40 for every 100 visitors you send their way is a pretty good deal.

4 Seeds Now

Seeds Now Homepage Screenshot

You might not be aware of this, but there’s a growing self-sufficiency movement out there.

Some call it GIY (Grow it yourself) or GYO (Grow your own), but the purpose is the same – learn how to plant, cultivate and harvest your own food.

These types of gardening fans will always need the best non-GMO seeds they can get their hands on, which is where SeedsNow enters the picture.

Without getting into a debate about GMO seeds, the reality is that GIYers want organic seeds (also called heirloom seeds) and are willing to pay handsomely for them.

And it just so happens that SeedsNow has thousands of different seeds for all kinds of herbs, flowers, fruits, and vegetables in their online store.

This program not only has a ton of activity and a tasty EPC, but affiliates also get a 25% commission on everything they sell.

As far as gardening affiliate programs go, this one is a no-brainer.

But I’m not a fan of their interstitial pop-ups – one is enough, and obscuring the ‘Block’ option for push notifications is either a technical glitch or very sneaky.

5 Garden Tower

Garden Tower Homepage Screenshot

So what if you want to get started gardening but don’t have the physical space, and also aren’t a fan of hydroponics?

Why, you simply go vertical instead with the Garden Tower Project

Vertical gardening is a subject I’ve been researching a lot lately, so finding this program was a real bonus.

As the name suggests this is a stackable tower made of interlocking segments that allows you to grow 50 plants or vegetables in just four square feet of space.

Your visitors could try to figure out how to build their own vertical garden using plumbing supplies – that’s an actual thing.

Or they could just buy this paint-by-numbers vertical gardening solution instead.

And the neat part for you affiliates is that each Garden Tower costs $359.

So you stand to make up to $57 per sale, although their average commission payout is $35.56, which is still several hundred miles from shabby.

And there’s the opportunity to also make money with their two-tier commission structure.

Vertical gardening is something the majority of gardeners experiment with, so you have a pretty broad audience to work with.

6 Click & Grow

Click & Grow Homepage Screenshot

So far we’ve had smartphones, smart lighting and smart alarms, so it was only matter of time before we wound up with a “smart” garden.

With the Click and Grow hydroponics system you simply choose which of the 45 available vegetables or herbs you want to grow, buy the pods, and insert them into your Smart Garden.

Then plug it in and the gizmos inside of it make sure that your new indoor gardening crop gets all the light, water and food it needs and when it needs it.

And you can do all of this from the countertop in your kitchen – you don’t even need a balcony. 

This is as automated as gardening gets without hiring somebody to do the work for you.

Affiliates get paid a 10% commission on all referred sales, and there’s a very respectable 7-day EPC to work with.

Your potential market for these products includes everyone from gardeners, to GIY fans, or just people who want a new hobby/the clout of boasting to friends about how “green” they are.

7 Botanical Interests

Botanical Interests Homepage Screenshot

Heirloom and organic seeds might seem like a relatively new idea, but Botanical Interests has been in the business of selling them since 1995.

That makes them an almost pre-Internet business.

What makes their seeds special is that they’re not available in regular stores, and are completely untreated i.e. non-GMO.

And your visitors can also choose from any of the 600 varieties they have spanning everything from staple garden vegetables to sunflowers. 

Each packet of seeds comes with instructions, so even if you’re a complete gardening rookie they show you how to plant your seeds the right way.

They also have a gardening blog full of very useful tips – like 10 crops that grow in 60 days.

Something that makes this offer stand out from the other programs here is that they pay dedicated gardening bloggers a 15% commission while all other affiliate publishers receive 5%.

That way they’re rewarding the bloggers who contribute most to their overall “community”.

I have to admit I like this approach to garden affiliate programs.

With that said, 5% is still a pretty decent rate considering they have a 13.8% conversion rate for their offers.

8 Hoss Tools

Hoss Tools Homepage Screenshot

Hoss Tools has a simple mission – To help you grow your own food.

Be that on your balcony, or lawn space you’ve converted into an urban farm.  

And they can provide you with everything you need to get started and then keep going.

From wheel hoes and seed planters, to seeds, drip irrigation systems, fertilizers, food preservation equipment, and products to keep those pesky pests at bay.

And you’re not just buying cheap knock-off imported gardening products – their gear is made in the United States, and even features Amish-crafted wooden handles.

They also have a regularly updated gardening blog with tons of gardening tips covering everything you’ll ever need to know about growing your own vegetables. 

Their website might not be pretty, but the quality of their products speaks volumes.

This program pays affiliates promoting it 10% per sale. 

And with an average order size of $101 you can expect to earn $10 per transaction.

It’s also one of the top-performing programs on ShareASale, so their affiliates are making consistent cash by promoting them.

9 Power Planter Australia

Power Planter Homepage Screenshot

Gardening can be fun.

Once you’ve done all the hard work – like digging up compacted soil and getting a good set of blisters going.

It’s fun after you do all that.

Or you could just use a Power Planter to shortcut the digging, sweating, and swearing that goes hand-in-hand with getting a garden ready to plant.

This device was invented by an Australian because the only thing worse than digging up compacted earth is digging up bone dry compacted earth.

The Power Planter drills through this problem – literally.

It’s an attachment that fits any 18v drill and basically tears a hole in the ground ideal for planting flowers, fruits, and vegetables.

You can even use it to drill watering holes for trees during really hot summers.

So, is this unique product worth promoting on your gardening blog?


Their average order value per customer is $161, and you stand to earn 15% of that, or $24 commission per sale.

This is a relatively new product, so there’s plenty of room here for the early adopters among you.

10 Urban Leaf

Urban Leaf Homepage Screenshot

The concept of indoor gardening is hardly new.

After all, most homes used to have a window box of some kind with herbs or flowers growing there.

But those habits stopped when our society turned away from self-sufficiency and more towards absolute consumerism.

The founders of Urban Leaf decided they wanted to do their bit to teach people how to grow at least some of their own food again.

But this time with a twist – you use an empty bottle as the basis for your indoor hydroponics system.

And they’re so confident in their products that they offer a ‘Green Thumb’ guarantee – your plant either grows or they’ll replace it or refund you.

Their grow kits are also really, really affordable – they’re at impulse buy level.

This affiliate marketing program pays 14% of each referred sale, which typically results in a payout of $4 to you.

Why would you bother with paltry commission rates like that?

Because they convert roughly 10% of your traffic into sales, so push more traffic and you can make more money.

Plus, there are tens of millions of apartment dwellers who’d love to have something like this in their home.

Over to You

And there you have ten of the best gardening affiliate programs I could find for you.

What surprised me about this niche is how broad it is – there’s a number of sub-niches you could target here, such as hydroponics, vertical gardening, or even just indoor herb gardens.

The other thing is that home gardening is becoming an industry all of its own, so that means a growing audience.

The payouts obviously vary quite a bit from one program to another, but you can always combine offers from multiple advertisers on your site to balance out your affiliate income.

What’s that – you don’t think you can make money promoting gardening affiliate programs, or any affiliate programs?

Our buddy Kevin Espiritu would disagree with you.

But we’re also more than happy to actually show you how this whole affiliate marketing thing works.

Which is why we’d like to invite you to our free training.

Free of charge.

Yup, put your credit card away – you won’t need it.

But do grab a notepad and pen to take notes.

about the author

Niall is a Senior SEO Specialist who excels in on-page optimization and off-page link building campaigns. He's been in SEO so long that his experience predates the existence of Google. 

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